One of the best allies you and your teeth have in the fight against tooth decay is fluoride. Fluoride is a safe naturally-occurring mineral that is often added to drinking water supplies by municipalities.
Depending on whether your city adds fluoride to your drinking water, and if your family is using a fluoride toothpaste, our dentist, Dr. J. Steve Morton may suggest additional fluoride treatments or supplements. In the past, fluoride treatments were used mainly for children, since it is such a key mineral in helping developing bones and teeth become strong. But fluoride is beneficial to people of all ages when it comes to taking care of their smile.
The dentist may suggest some extra fluoride if the water where you live is not fluoridated. If you suffer from dry mouth, either from an illness a medical condition, or as the side-effect of a medication, you may need supplemental fluoride. Your gums may be receding, either as the result of age or gum disease. Fluoride will help keep teeth strong, which will be needed since bacteria plaque and tartar will have more space to accumulate. Braces can give bacteria and plaque places to hide as well, and fluoride treatments can help combat the increased chances of tooth decay.
Your dentist can tell you whether or not you are getting enough fluoride, and can suggest the right treatment for you, if necessary. To make an appointment to discuss fluoride treatments or to have a cleaning and exam, contact us in Sevierville, TN at 865-453-1001. We’ll be happy to work with you to give you a healthy smile that you will love.