Who likes cavities? They hurt, they cause oral health problems that can turn into big headaches if not treated quickly, and the treatment itself isn’t all that pleasant. Despite that, we still see quite a few people coming in with cavities.
To help cut down on what’s obviously an oral health problem no one wants to deal with, let’s look at some tips for preventing cavities.
Use mouthwash
This is a tactic surprisingly few people employ. Mouthwash is a great tool to use to help rid your mouth of bacteria you may have missed from brushing, and it helps especially with bad breath by killing those germs that mostly live on your tongue.
It’s like the rinse after you’ve washed your car – mouthwash comes in and shines everything up, gets rid of the soap suds, and makes sure everything looks gleaming and brand-new.
Floss just once a day
Flossing is a big boost to your oral health – and cavity prevention – but so few people do it on a regular basis. Flossing just once a day rids your mouth of more plaque, debris, and food stuck between your teeth than is possible to remove by brushing. Seeing as debris stuck between your teeth is one of the leading causes of cavities, it just makes sense to do what you can to get rid of it.
If you need more tips on cavity or prevention, or feel like you need an exam to make sure your mouth is healthy, call us today at 865-453-1001.