General & Cosmetic Dentistry for the Whole Family!

Dr. Morton
Serving East TN for over 30 years!
Help you keep that Beautiful Smile!
Pediatric Care
We love teaching children how to properly care for their teeth!
Our office staff is here to serve you!
We Care!
Don't put off coming in if you have a toothache. We want to stop the pain.
Want to change your smile? Ask us how!
Floss Daily
to keep your teeth and gums healthy!
Did you Know?
Children often adopt their parents attitude about the dentist.

Compassion | Trust | Expertise

An Acidic Environment in Your Mouth Can Demineralize Your Tooth Enamel

Inconsistencies in your daily oral hygiene routine can leave food particles and sugar residue in your mouth. In just a short amount of time, this can cause plaque acids to build up in your mouth. If this occurs on a daily basis it can gradually start to weaken the mineral density of your tooth enamel.

Without remediation your demineralized tooth enamel can leave your teeth at increasing risk of suffering cavities and tooth sensitivity complications.

Exposing your teeth to fluoride can help reverse this process of demineralization and restore the mineral strength of your tooth enamel. One fast and efficient way to do this is to have Dr. Morton administer a fluoride treatment at the end of your routine dental exam.

Dr. Morton will start the treatment process by pouring a concentrated fluoride gel into trays held in your mouth for a few minutes. You should avoid eating or drinking for at least half an hour after the treatment to allow the fluoride to have maximum effect.

Going forward you should make sure you are brushing your teeth with a fluoridated toothpaste to help maintain the strength of your tooth enamel.

If you have any other questions or concerns about your daily oral hygiene routine, you should feel free to ask Dr. [doctor_name].

If you live in the Sevierville, TN, area and you are concerned about the strength of your teeth, you should call 865-453-1001 to schedule a checkup with fluoride treatment at Gentle General Dentistry.