General & Cosmetic Dentistry for the Whole Family!

Dr. Morton
Serving East TN for over 30 years!
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Children often adopt their parents attitude about the dentist.

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How to Catch Your Child Pretend Brushing

Does your child pretend to brush? If so, you’re not alone. Many children pretend to clean their smiles because they aren’t super fond of the task. However, you shouldn’t let this slide. If your child doesn’t brush, their smile could be in grave danger. So, to help you make sure your child cleans their teeth every morning and every night, our dentist, Dr. Morton, has some tips for you.

First, keep the bathroom door open. It’s much easier to pretend to brush if the door is closed. The people walking by won’t notice your child wetting their toothbrush or cutting corners. But, if the door is open, they could get caught at any second. This should make them nervous to pretend to brush.

Second, have your child sing when they scrub. This is a funny tip because it’s extremely tough to sing clearly while you brush. So, if your child actually brushes their teeth, their song will be muffled and hard to understand. This is a good sign. If your child is pretending to brush, their song should be a beautiful little tune that is as clear as day.

Third, brush your smile with your child. This is the best tip when it comes to making sure your child thoroughly brushes because you’ll have an eye on them the entire time. While you two brush, try to have some fun. Hopefully, this will help them realize that oral hygiene isn’t as bad as they think.

For more information and details about children and oral hygiene in Sevierville, TN, please call Gentle General Dentistry at 865-453-1001 when you get the chance. Our dental team will be more than happy to give you the answers you need so you can help your child!